The Story Of Reformatting 100k Files At Google In 2012
Laurent Le Brun
tl;dr: “Back in September 2012, I was a junior engineer at Google, working on Google’s build tool, also known internally as Blaze. One day, a mysterious calendar invite landed in my inbox. It was sent by two engineers in the US, and I was invited along with my team lead. I quickly recognized the names: Rob Pike and Russ Cox.”
featured in #524
Compilers For Free With Weval
Max Bernstein
tl;dr: “It’s all about taking an existing program, modifying it to hold some of its inputs as constants, and then letting the compiler / optimizer go hog wild on it. The result is still a program — not a value — and it’s usually faster than the original program.”
featured in #516
Building A Tiny Compiler From Scratch Is Fun
James Smith
tl;dr: "There are a lot of approaches to tiny compilers and small languages that are fun by themselves. The reason for small languages is that they can be implemented with little work, and I can get something working in a short amount of time, leaving me more time for exploration and fun stuff."
featured in #413
How To Build An Evil Compiler
Akila Welihinda
tl;dr: "Did you know there is a type of compiler backdoor attack that is impossible to defend against? In this post I’ll show you how to implement such an attack in less than 100 lines of code."
featured in #309
The Weirdest Compiler Bug
Scott Rasmussen
tl;dr: "There are approximately 7.5x10^18 grains of sand on Earth. This story is about finding changes in an equation that has a difference of approximately 1e-18 out of hundreds of billions of calculations."
featured in #224
Let The Compiler Do The Work
Fortuna Eruditis Favet
tl;dr: In Part of 6 of this Rust tutorial, Fortuna walks through how we'd rewrite a program from scratch in Rust, relying on compiler auto-vectorization.
featured in #168