4 Quick Steps For Better Incident Resolution In DevOps
tl;dr: Accelerate your time to resolution and build resilience into your systems with this simple 4-step approach. This guide outlines critical best practices for ensuring your organization’s response to incidents is as efficient and effective as possible.featured in #583
4 Quick Steps For Better Incident Resolution In DevOps
tl;dr: Accelerate your time to resolution and build resilience into your systems with this simple 4-step approach. This guide outlines critical best practices for ensuring your organization’s response to incidents is as efficient and effective as possible.featured in #583
Odin: Uber’s Stateful Platform
- Jesper Borlum Gianluca Mezzetti tl;dr: “The Odin platform aims to provide a unified operational experience by encompassing all aspects of managing stateful workloads. These aspects include host lifecycle, workload scheduling, cluster management, monitoring, state propagation, operational user interfaces, alerting, auto-scaling, and automation. Uber deploys stateful systems at global, regional, and zonal levels, and Odin is designed to manage these systems consistently and in a technology-agnostic manner.” This post provides an overview of Odin’s origins, the fundamental principles, and the challenges encountered early on.featured in #534
featured in #523
featured in #523
featured in #496
Modern DevOps Transformation Begins With Static Code Analysis
tl;dr: Many organizations implementing DevOps are facing significant underperformance issues. Learn how integrating Sonar static code analysis solutions can address these transformative issues, propelling organizations towards more efficient and secure software development and improving the efficiency of the current DevOps processes.featured in #490
The Scary Thing About Automating Deploys
- Sean McIlroy tl;dr: Sean delves into the complexities and strategies of automating deployments at scale, focusing on how Slack transitioned from manual oversight to using their automated tool for deployment processes in a high-change environment. “When people talk about continuous deployment, they’re often thinking about deploying to systems as soon as changes are ready. They talk about microservices and 2-pizza teams (~8 people). But what does continuous deployment mean when you’re looking at 150 changes on a normal day? That’s a lot of pizzas…"featured in #482
featured in #367
The Future of Ops Is Platform Engineering
- Charity Majors tl;dr: "In the beginning, there were people who wrote and ran software. At some point, we spun away ops skills from dev skills into two different professions, but that turned out to be a ginormous mistake, so along came DevOps to reunify them. Nowadays, ops as an independent profession is in the process of fading out. Companies are spinning down their ops teams left and right. Engineers who formerly identified as sysadmins or operations have turned into DevOps engineers, and soon there will just be “software people” again. This is the way of things."featured in #361