Do You Know How Much Your Computer Can Do In A Second?
- Julia Evans Kamal Marhubi tl;dr: “Let's find out how well you know computers! All of these programs have a variable number in them. Your mission: guess how big number needs to get before the program takes 1 second to run.”featured in #577
How We Think About Threads’ iOS Performance
- Dave LaMacchia Jason Patterson tl;dr: (1) How did the Threads iOS team maintain the app’s performance during its growth? (2) How Meta’s Threads team thinks about performance, including the key metrics to keep the app healthy. (3) Case studies that impact publish reliability and navigation latency.featured in #576
Innovations In Evaluating AI Agent Performance
tl;dr: Just like athletes need more than one drill to win a competition, AI agents require consistent training based on real-world performance metrics to excel in their role. At QA Wolf, we’ve developed weighted “gym scenarios” to simulate real-world challenges and track their progress over time. How does our AI use these metrics to continuously improve our accuracy? Visit our website to learn more.featured in #564
Innovations In Evaluating AI Agent Performance
tl;dr: Just like athletes need more than one drill to win a competition, AI agents require consistent training based on real-world performance metrics to excel in their role. At QA Wolf, we’ve developed weighted “gym scenarios” to simulate real-world challenges and track their progress over time. How does our AI use these metrics to continuously improve our accuracy? Watch our latest webinar to learn more.featured in #563
A Netflix Web Performance Case Study
- Addy Osmani tl;dr: By refining the JavaScript used for’s sign-up process and using prefetching techniques, the developer team was able to provide a better user experience for both mobile and desktop users and offer several improvements. (1) Loading and Time-to-Interactive decreased by 50% (for the logged-out desktop homepage at (2) JavaScript bundle size reduced by 200kB by switching from React and other client-side libraries to vanilla JavaScript. React was still used server-side. (3) Prefetching HTML, CSS and JavaScript (React) reduced Time-to-Interactive by 30% for future navigations.featured in #563
Innovations In Evaluating AI Agent Performance
tl;dr: Just like athletes need more than one drill to win a competition, AI agents require consistent training based on real-world performance metrics to excel in their role. At QA Wolf, we’ve developed weighted “gym scenarios” to simulate real-world challenges and track their progress over time. How does our AI use these metrics to continuously improve our accuracy? Watch our latest webinar to learn more.featured in #561
Optimizing A Bignum Library For Fun
- Austin Henley tl;dr: I'm down a rabbit hole of learning how bignums work. In this post, I improve how the numbers are stored, implement a faster multiplication algorithm, and benchmark the time improvements.featured in #533
How Stripe’s Document Databases Supported 99.999% Uptime With Zero-Downtime Data Migrations
- Jimmy Morzaria Suraj Narkhede tl;dr: “In 2023, Stripe processed $1 trillion in total payments volume, all while maintaining an uptime of 99.999%. We obsess over reliability. As engineers on the database infrastructure team, we provide a database-as-a-service (DBaaS) called DocDB as a foundation layer for our APIs.” The authors discuss Stripe’s database infrastructure, and discuss the design and application of the Data Movement Platform.featured in #521
Cache Locality, Your Sneaky Performance Culprit
- Dr. Panos Patros tl;dr: When you know you’ve written efficient code but performance is still laggy, the answer might lie in cache locality. Go into the nitty-gritty of how data is accessed, how to optimize memory usage, and perhaps how to get some major speed gains. Explore not only how but also why these techniques can be critical to responsiveness and efficiency.featured in #519
Improving Shopify App’s Performance
- Talha Naqvi tl;dr: “At the beginning of 2023, we noticed that our app's performance had decreased since we started migrating to React Native. Recognizing this, we embarked on a dedicated journey to improve the app's performance by the end of the year... In this blog post, we’re sharing how we did it and hope others use it as inspiration to make their apps faster.”featured in #515