featured in #581
featured in #568
featured in #555
featured in #554
featured in #553
featured in #543
Advanced Terminal Tips And Tricks
- Daniel Kleinstein tl;dr: “I wanted to share some things I learned at relatively late stages in the game that ended up being significant productivity boosters for me: (1) Use command line editing. (2) tmux scripting. (3) Use fzf liberally in custom scripts. (4) Use /dev/stdin as a replacement for heredocs. (5) Use SSH multiplexing.featured in #534
Entering Text In The Terminal Is Complicated
- Julia Evans tl;dr: Julia asked her network what was confusing about working in the terminal, and one thing that stood out to me was “editing a command you already typed in”. Julia shares why this is hard and some tips she’s picked up along the way.featured in #531
Writing Tips for Improving Your Pull Requests
- Jeff Mueller tl;dr: “I’m going to show you how to purposely write less by using the techniques below.” Tips are: (1) Make it scannable. (2) Speak plainly. (3) Avoid adverbs. (4) Simplify your sentences. (5) Avoid a passive voice. Jeff adds examples to each.featured in #530
Six Tips To Improve a Conversion Funnel
- Ryan Musser tl;dr: (1) Identify the friction. (2) Streamline. (3) A/B test your solution. (4) Personalize, where you can. (5) Build trust, when you can. (6). Track everything.featured in #529