Friday 9th August’s issue is presented by AssemblyAI |
How To Be More Concise — Wes Kao
tl;dr: (1) Figure out your main point. (2) Try to state your main point in 2-3 sentences. (3) Avoid explaining events chronologically. (4) Constantly remind yourself to shorten your delivery. (5) Exercise situational awareness. (6) Don’t be too concise. (7) For written communication, use “main point above, context below.” (8) For longer verbal communication, use signposting. (9) Offer to elaborate.
CareerAdvice |
tl;dr: “While some standardization is necessary, many managers and leaders standardize just for the heck of it. Standardizing things feels productive, like cleaning up a messy room, and is a go-to move for leaders when they don’t know exactly what to do next. Whether it’s for power or preference, many people believe “the same” is “the best.” And it’s not. Here we explore where to give your teams autonomy and where to require standards.”
Leadership Management |
“Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead.”
— Pete Hoekstra
What's Hidden Behind “Just Implementation Details" — Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya
tl;dr: “Here is a quick survey of some of the hard-and-maybe-impossible parts of getting things into production that I've run into in my own work.” Nicole discusses: (1) Getting started. (2) Creating a maintainable design. (3) Making it robust, and observable. (4) User experience and user interface design. (5) Acceptable performance.
Management |
An Engineer’s Guide To Talking To Users — Ian Vanagas tl;dr: (1) You have an information bottleneck. (2) How to prepare for a user interview. (3) How to find the right users to talk to. (4) What to ask during user interviews. (5) Avoid these common mistakes. (6) What to do after an interview. (7) Talking to users doesn't stop at user interviews.
Promoted by PostHog Guide |
Modern Git Commands And Features You Should Be Using — Martin Heinz tl;dr: “Most people only ever touch the most basic of commands, such as add, commit, push or pull, like it's still 2005. Git however, introduced many features since then, and using them can make your life so much easier, so let's explore some of the recently added, modern git commands, that you should know about.” Martin presents Switch, Restore, Sparse Checkout, Worktree and Bisect.
Git |
How Postgres Stores Data On Disk — Drew Silcock tl;dr: “Databases aren’t that complicated. I mean, they kind of are but if you dig inside the database engine a bit, you realise that it’s really just some immensely powerful and clever abstractions and that, like most software, most of the actual complexity in these pieces of software comes from the edge cases, often around concurrency. I’d like crack open the hard shell of database engines with some friendly introductions to those who are familiar with relational databases but don’t know their inner machinations.”
PostgreSQL |
How I Program In 2024 — Kartik Agaram tl;dr: “I just spent a month of my free time, off and on, rewriting the core of a program I've been using and incrementally modifying for 2 years. I've been becalmed since. Partly this is the regular cadence of my subconscious reflecting on what just happened, what I learned from it, taking some time to decide where to go next.” Kartik discusses his synthesis on programming durable things.
CareerAdvice |
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Pigsty: Battery-included Postgres distro as RDS alternative.
Plunk: OS email platform.
Posting: HTTP client in your terminal.
SQLpage: SQL-only webapp builder.
Torchchat: Run LLMs locally on servers, desktop & mobile.
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