Tuesday 25th July’s issue is presented by Influxdata |
InfluxDB: A high-performance time series database for your real-time analytics needs.
Manage high volumes of time series data, reduce complexity in data pipeline architectures, and scale storage based on workload. Trusted by engineering managers for its superior data compression and low latency queries. |
On Becoming A VP Of Engineering: Doing The Job — Emily Nakashima
tl;dr: “I said at the beginning of this post that the most important thing I deliver is alignment. It’s not the hardest thing I have to deliver though: that is focus.“ Emily also discusses what a VP’s day to day looks like, unlearning, compensation, giving yourself more slack time, and more.
Leadership Management |
Briefly: The Value Of Meetings, And Some Alternatives — Kellan Elliott-McCrea
tl;dr: Shopify's meeting cost calculator stirs debate; are meetings wasted time or vital? Alternatives emerge such as Dropbox's "Core Collaboration Hours" and Frame.io's "Huddle Days", which foster spontaneous discussions, encouraging productive work and respecting individual work rhythms.
Leadership Management |
Best Practices To Build IoT Analytics tl;dr; Best practices for building IoT analytics include storing data in a time series database, using efficient ingestion methods, cleaning data before storage, downsampling for easier analysis, monitoring data in real time, and storing historical data in cold storage or a data lake for analysis. Choosing the right tools from the start will save time and improve efficiency.
Promoted by Influxdata
Management BestPractices |
How Platform Teams Get Stuff Done — Pete Hodgson tl;dr: “Platform teams have a unique reliance on other teams to ensure adoption of their platform - getting code changes into other teams' codebase is critical to their success. There are a variety of patterns for that cross-team collaboration, and selecting the right ones depends on both the phase of platform adoption and the ability of both teams and codebases to accept external influence.”
Platform Leadership Management |
“It’s not at all important to get it right the first time. It’s vitally important to get it right the last time.”
- The Pragmatic Programmer |
Accidentally Load Bearing — Jeff Kaufman
tl;dr: Jeff uses the principle of Chesterton's Fence to emphasize that understanding the original and current roles of a system component is crucial before making changes. The author illustrates this through their experiences in home renovation and complex computer systems. CareerAdvice |
Everything That Uses Configuration Files Should Report Where They're Located — Chris Siebenmann
tl;dr: Chris regularly interacts with various programs, each of which has its configuration files in different locations, sometimes system-wide, other times user-specific. Given the variability and their infrequent interaction with some programs, they struggle to remember the configuration file locations, which can lead to time-consuming searches through manuals or documentation. Their proposed solution is for programs to offer an easy method, preferably via command line, to report the location of their configuration files.
Design |
Allergic To Waiting — Thorsten Ball
tl;dr: Thorsten believes programmers may be tolerating longer-than-necessary wait times due to a lack of understanding about what computers are capable of, what is a reasonable time for a given task, and how internet-based work might be skewing their perceptions of acceptable speeds. The author encourages developers to question and understand the cause of long wait times instead of passively accepting them, as many of these delays can be optimized or eliminated. CareerAdvice |
Why Even Let Users Set Their Own Passwords? — Hugo Landau
tl;dr: Hugo argues for a rethink of the way we handle passwords, pointing out the contradictions and shortcomings of current practices. They suggest that issuing high-entropy, randomly generated passwords to users, similar to API keys or TOTP, may be more secure than the current standard of user-created passwords.
Security |
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