Issue #512

May 7, 2024

Issue #512

Tuesday 7th May’s issue is presented by Stytch

Stytch: Go from Auth Zero to Auth Hero

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3 Critical Skills You Need To Grow Beyond Senior Levels In Engineering

— Irina Stanescu

tl;dr: (1) Learning to scale yourself: Maximizing what you can do on your own by ruthlessly prioritizing your time and teaching / delegating as much as you can. (2) Navigating ambiguity: detective work, isolating uncertainty, dividing and conquer, making decisions with incomplete information, being able to pivot. (3) Influencing without authority. 

Leadership Management


— Anna Shipman

tl;dr: “A format I have found useful for making proposals is 1-measure-3-1. This is a variation on the 1-3-1 problem-solving method, focused specifically on proposals: (1) The problem to solve or opportunity to grasp. (2) Measure: how will we know it’s solved / the opportunity is met. What metrics are we looking to shift, or outcomes are we looking to achieve? (3) What are the three options we have considered (4) Our one recommendation.”

Leadership Management

JWTs vs. Sessions: Which Is Right For You?

— Lydia Gorham

tl;dr: Both JWTs and session cookies are viable approaches to solving the issue of persisting authentication and authorization context in a stateless HTTP world, but they take fairly different approaches that have their own pros and cons.” Lydia breaks down the trade-offs and explains how you can use JWTs and sessions together to achieve a best of both worlds.

Promoted by Stytch

Management BestPractices

Who Pays You? And Why?

— Brian Kihoon Lee

tl;dr: “I get asked for career advice from time to time. While each situation is different, a recurring theme is disempowerment - feeling like there’s nothing you can do to advance your career. To help diagnose, I like to ask two questions: Who pays you? And why? These two questions encourage you to leave the comfort zone of job descriptions and confront the reality of what it’ll take to get to the next level at your current job, or potentially a new job. I’ll explain how I think about these questions, and this hopefully helps you think through your own situation.”


“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”

— Martin Fowler

My Favorite Teacher

— Thorsten Ball

tl;dr: “He taught us that you can summarize anything, in whatever length you want. He could summarize the Cold War in two sentences. A new law around unemployment benefits and social security? Four sentences. Bismarck’s forced resignation and all the political maneuvering that proceeded it? Three. Whenever someone would fail to summarize something, he’d say: “you’re not thinking clearly.” Summarizing is thinking clearly.” 


The Notifier Pattern For Applications That Use Postgres

tl;dr: “Listen / notify in Postgres is an incredible feature that makes itself useful in all kinds of situations. I’ve been using it a long time, started taking it for granted long ago, and was somewhat shocked recently looking into MySQL and SQLite to learn that even in 2024, no equivalent exists.”


Stealing Your Telegram Account In 10 Seconds Flat

tl;dr: “This attack is incredibly easy to pull off even for a low-skill attacker. Assuming some higher forces have already set up a custom domain for you, all you need to know is how to tap on a link and add a letter onto the URL bar. You don’t need any specialized tools, you don’t need to know anything about the target, you don’t even need a phone.”


The Sound Of Software

tl;dr: “Sound is an outcast in Software Design. We may embrace the aesthetics of animation and visuals, but sound is different. It’s intrusive. Unlike visuals on a screen, you can’t look away or ignore it... If you haven’t worked with sound before, it may be difficult to know where to start. When should you use it? How do you create it? How do you shape it? How do you even talk about it? Let's get in it.”


Notable Event

See How Search And AI Applications Are Built At Scale At Index 2024

Index is a free community conference with talks on search, streaming and ML infra from Netflix, LinkedIn, Uber, DoorDash, Meta, Pinterest.

Hear about homepage personalization at Netflix, the feed infrastructure at LinkedIn and the FAISS library at Meta.

Register for the virtual and in-person event at the Computer History Museum in CA on May 16th.

Register Free For Index

Most Popular From Last Issue

Notable Links

Fastfetch: Fetching system information and displaying in a pretty way.

OpenUI: Describe a UI and see it rendered live.

Reor: AI-powered desktop note-taking app.

Stirling-PDF: Perform various operations on PDF files.

Tech Interview Handbook: Curated interview preparation materials.

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