tl;dr: The summary section is a 2 min excellent read on how you should manage yourself and your team. Recurring theme of leadership as opposed to managing situations.
Claude Shannon: How A Genius Solves Problems (2018)
- Zat Rana
tl;dr: Solving problems comes with the right thinking pattern. Often, we use a logical thought process. Shannon's approach changes the reference point of problems asking "what a bad solution looks like". All answers hold a truth and reference points break up unhelpful mental loops.
You may (sneakily) bypass the paywall via this Tweet.
6 Things to Expect When You’re The Only Woman On A Team Of Developers
- Amber Wilkie
tl;dr: Among the six, you will learn to speak up in a room full of men and leverage emotional intelligence in managing situations.
The Weird History Of JavaScript (Video)
- Fireship
tl;dr: 12 mins video of how JS started with the rise of the Netscape browser, how it got its name, why it grew so widely and quickly and much more. Fun viewing.
tl;dr: 20 lessons learned by the founder of Dan, who stepped down from his role a co-founder, especially if you are building a bootstrapped business, which Dribble is.
Alas, there may be a paywall. Alas, I found you a path.
Find A Job With Vettery
Vettery is an online hiring marketplace that's changing the way people hire and get hired. Ready for a bold career move? Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers today.
tl;dr: Some of the processes that you are recommended to implement generally neglected by "solo" workers such as documentation, creating a workflow, making sure you monitor what's been built.
Raspberry Pi 4 Is Here!
- Ben Nuttall
tl;dr: Featuring a new 1.5GHz Arm chip and VideoCore GPU with some brand new additions: dual-HDMI 4K display output; USB3 ports; Gigabit Ethernet; and multiple RAM options up to 4GB. Standard $35.
Microsoft Build
May 6-8
Seattle, Washington, USA
May 21 - 23
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
May 22-23
Broomfield, Colorado, USA
July 17-18
Portland, Oregon, USA
Open Source Summit
July 17-19
Tokyo, Japan
July 24-27
San Diego, California, USA
Sept 9–12
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Strange Loop
Sept 12-14
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
DjangoCon US
Sept 22-27
San Diego, CA
Oracle CodeOne
Sept 16–19
SF, California
React Day Berlin
Nov 30
Berlin, Germany
Microsoft Ignite
Nov 4-8
Orlando, Florida, USA
Dec 5-6
Paris, France
December 6-7
Riga, Latvia