Issue #524

Issue #524

Tuesday 18th June’s issue is presented by WorkOS

Start Selling To Enterprises With Just A Few Lines Of Code

WorkOS is a modern identity platform for B2B SaaS.

With modular and easy-to-use APIs, integrate complex features like SSO and SCIM in minutes of months.

If you care deeply about design and user experience, WorkOS is a perfect fit. From high-quality documentation to self-serve onboarding for your customers, WorkOS removes all the complexity for your engineers.

User Management is also free up to 1 million MAUs and includes MFA, bot protection, domain verification.

Senior Engineer Fatigue

— Kirill Bobrov

tl;dr: “Senior Fatigue is characterized not by a decline in productivity but by a deliberate deceleration. The vibrant energy of younger engineers, bursting with rapid pull requests and overflowing with design documents, starts to give way to a more measured pace. At this stage, seniors might send fewer pull requests or be quieter in meetings, but this isn't an indicator of lost productivity. Quite the opposite — seniors are often finding more efficient, impactful ways to contribute, leveraging their vast experience.” 

Leadership Management

The Documentation Tradeoff

— Kent Beck

tl;dr: “In the end, write the docs you want to write. If no one reads them, or if readers find they are out of date, then consider not writing them next time. But don’t let anyone shame you into wasting time. The question is not, “Do you have documentation?” but rather, “Do you communicate clearly?””

Management Documentation

A Guide To Organization Modeling In Authentication

tl;dr: Organization modeling is a crucial part of building authentication and authorization into applications. However, once SSO and various user-organization relationships are thrown into the mix, the logic can become complex to manage. For developers building this in-house, there are important nuances and implementation details to consider.

Promoted by WorkOS

Guide Management

Good Code Is Rarely Read

— Alex Molas

tl;dr: “Good code is rarely read. Good code is so ergonomic that you almost don’t need to read it; you just use it. It allows developers to focus on building features and solving problems rather than deciphering existing code. This is the ultimate goal of good coding practices: to create code that is so clear and intuitive that it almost disappears, allowing the functionality to shine through.”


"My best tool for efficiency and performance is abstraction"

— Bjarne Stroustrup

I've Been Thinking About Tradeoffs All Wrong

— Hillel Wayne

tl;dr: “Normally I think of tradeoffs as framing two positive things, like saying "SQS has better control while SNS is easier to add new services". Instead the speaker framed it as two wholly negative things, and the tradeoff is which negative thing you want less of. We can do this with any tradeoff, because any positive quality about X can be turned into a negative quality of Y. Instead of "X is faster, Y uses less space", we can say "X uses more space, Y is slower.””


Postgres Is All You Need, Even For Vectors

— Eric Zakariasson

tl;dr: “When working with LLMs, you usually want to store embeddings, a vector space representation of some text value. During the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of new databases pop up, making it easier to generate, store, and query embeddings: Pinecone, Weaviate, Chroma, Qdrant. The list goes on. But having a separate database where I store a different type of data has always seemed off to me. Do I really need it?”

PostgreSQL LLM

The Story Of Reformatting 100k Files At Google In 2012

— Laurent Le Brun

tl;dr: “Back in September 2012, I was a junior engineer at Google, working on Google’s build tool, also known internally as Blaze. One day, a mysterious calendar invite landed in my inbox. It was sent by two engineers in the US, and I was invited along with my team lead. I quickly recognized the names: Rob Pike and Russ Cox.”

Compiler Entertaining

Taking Random Samples From Big Tables

— Eric Fritz

tl;dr: “You’ll learn how to randomly sample large datasets in PostgreSQL while keeping your queries performant. Instead of telling you “the answer,” we’ll walk through possible solutions and their tradeoffs, and help you build a deeper understanding of databases.” 

Database PostgreSQL

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Notable Links

Bend: Massively parallel, high-level programming language.

ComfyUI: Stable diffusion GUI.

Huly: All-in-One project management platform. Blazingly fast LLM inference.

Quartz: Tools to publish your digital garden.

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