Issue #533

July 19, 2024

Issue #533

Friday 19th July’s issue is presented by WorkOS

Start Selling To Enterprises With Just A Few Lines Of Code

WorkOS is a modern identity platform for B2B SaaS.

With modular and easy-to-use APIs, integrate complex features like SSO and SCIM in minutes of months.

If you care deeply about design and user experience, WorkOS is a perfect fit. From high-quality documentation to self-serve onboarding for your customers, WorkOS removes all the complexity for your engineers.

User Management is also free up to 1 million MAUs and includes MFA, bot protection, domain verification.

Developing Domain Expertise: Get Your Hands Dirty

— Will Larson

tl;dr: “Some particularly useful mechanism for senior leaders to develop domain expertise are:” (1) Reviewing product analytics on a recurring basis. (2) Shadow customer support. (3) Assign named executive sponsors for key customers. (4) Directly use or integrate with the product. (5) Make an executive offsite ritual around using the product. (6) Use executive initiatives as an opportunity to dig deep into particular areas of the business. (7) Use a textbook or course driven approach. 

Leadership Management

Fighting With Your Boss

tl;dr: “Fights between a manager and report can be some of the most stressful experiences in life. Sustained conflict can cause years of strain. Here we’ll try to help you navigate these situations, to limit the damage and to maximize the outcome.”


The Developer's Guide To RBAC: Part I

tl;dr: As SaaS products scale, supporting authorization becomes critical, requiring solutions like fine-grained access control (FGA) to meet complex enterprise needs. This guide covers the fundamentals of role-based access control (RBAC) and its limitations, trade-offs to consider when transitioning to FGA, and implementation details from companies like Figma and Carta that built these systems in-house

Promoted by WorkOS

Management Guide

Story Points Are Pointless, Measure Queues

— Barry Jones

tl;dr: “Measured Queues address short term and long term estimation issues, handle scope changes naturally and provide a much more valuable exercise to larger teams while removing uncertainty from the team's initial plans. Measured Queues also provide a leading indicator of problems 20 times faster than Velocity or Cycle Time related metrics.”

Leadership Management

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."

- Warren Bennis

In Praise Of Small Pull Requests

— Elliotte Rusty Harold

tl;dr: “Prefer small, focused pull requests that do exactly one thing each. Why?” (1) Easier to review (2) Can be reviewed quickly. (3) Easier to figure out exactly where the mistake is. (4) Less likely to conflict with other developers’ work. (5) Saves a lot of work if you made a critical error. (6) Easier to make sure each individual pull request is completely tested.

Git BestPractices

The Magic Of Small Engineering Teams

— James Temperton

tl;dr: “Startups ship more per person than big companies – everyone knows this. But how do you retain that advantage as you scale? Our answer is small teams – speedy, innovative, and autonomous one-pizza teams where individuals can still have an outsized impact. This week we're sharing how they work, why we chose this structure, and the tradeoffs we accept to enjoy the benefits of small teams.”

Promoted by PostHog

Leadership Management

Building And Scaling Notion’s Data Lake

tl;dr: “In the past three years Notion’s data has expanded 10x due to user and content growth, with a doubling rate of 6-12 months. Managing this rapid growth while meeting the ever-increasing data demands of critical product and analytics use cases, especially our recent Notion AI features, meant building and scaling Notion’s data lake. Here’s how we did it.”

Data Architecture

Toolbox Languages

— Hillel Wayne

tl;dr: “A toolbox language is a programming language that’s good at solving problems without requiring third party packages. My default toolbox languages are Python and shell scripts, which you probably already know about. Here are some of my more obscure ones.” Hillel guides us through several languages along with their useful features. 


Optimizing A Bignum Library For Fun

— Austin Henley

tl;dr: I'm down a rabbit hole of learning how bignums work. In this post, I improve how the numbers are stored, implement a faster multiplication algorithm, and benchmark the time improvements.


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Notable Links

Deep-ML: ML code challenges.

Magic CLI: Command line utility using LLMs.

Mako: Production-grade web bundler.

Tabby: Self-hosted AI coding assistant.

Tiptap Editor: Headless rich text editor framework.

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