/Alex Booker

How To Implement Google Authentication In Next.js 15 tl;dr: Implementing Google Authentication in your Next.js application can significantly enhance user experience and security. This blog post provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on integrating Google Auth using Clerk, focusing on best practices and efficient implementation. Using such authentication processes can improve your app's reliability and user trust, allowing your team to focus on building core features.

featured in #590

Introducing @clerk / nextjs v6, With Support For Next.js 15 tl;dr: The Next.js team has announced the stable release of Next.js 15, and Clerk is continuing the tradition of (nearly) same-day support for new major Next.js releases with the release of @clerk/nextjs v6. With v6, the auth() helper is now asynchronous, <ClerkProvider> defaults to static rendering instead of dynamic, and support for partial pre-rendering has been introduced.

featured in #563

Build A Modern Authenticated Chat Application With Next.js tl;dr: Learn how to build a modern, authenticated chat application using Next.js, Ably, and Clerk. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up real-time messaging and user authentication to implementing roles and message history.

featured in #536