tl;dr:(1) 2024 is the year when hiring comes back (2) Mid-level & senior eng hiring will pick up significantly, come Jan 2024. (3) For at least the next 6 months, compensation at a given level will stay flat. (4) For at least the next 6 months, down-leveling will continue because of inertia. (5) For at least the next 6 months, recruiters are going to be increasingly stretched thin, which means that applying online is going to be an even less effective way to get into companies. (6) The hiring bar will not return to where it was for a long time.
tl;dr:Common mistakes people make during salary negotiations, focusing on two key errors: revealing information too early and negotiating before being ready. Aline emphasizes that recruiters are not your friends; they work for the company and are incentivized differently. Revealing information like your current salary, expectations, or other job interviews can be used against you. The article advises being in "passive information gathering" mode during interactions with recruiters. It also stresses the importance of timing in negotiations. “Only when you have all the necessary information should you begin to negotiate.”