/Austin Henley

Mirror: An LLM-powered Programming-By-Example Programming Language tl;dr: “Programming by example is a technique where users provide examples of the outcome they want, and the system generates code that can perform it. For example, in Excel, you can demonstrate how you want a column formatted through an example or two, and Excel will learn a pattern and apply it to the rest. But what if there was a programming language that only allows programming by example? Can we integrate AI into traditional programming languages?”

featured in #569

Optimizing A Bignum Library For Fun tl;dr: I'm down a rabbit hole of learning how bignums work. In this post, I improve how the numbers are stored, implement a faster multiplication algorithm, and benchmark the time improvements.

featured in #533

The Pain Points Of Building A Copilot tl;dr: What are the pain points, and what are the opportunities for tools. ”We conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 developers from a variety of companies that are working on copilots. We analyzed their responses to identify themes. Then we conducted two focus group sessions with tool builders that involved reviewing our interview findings and brainstorming possible solutions.” Austin shares the results here. 

featured in #486

Stopping At 90% tl;dr: It’s common to stop at 90% of a project’s completion since the project has concrete deliverables that can be measured. The remaining 10% is more difficult to track. Austin discusses common activities to get from 90% to 100%: (1) Present the work to other teams. (2) Broadcast an email with the takeaways so that the rest of your organization knows about it. (3) Put the code somewhere that your coworkers can make use of later. (4) Write a blog post about it. Post it on Twitter, HN, and Reddit. (5) Sketch out a next-steps document, even if you have no plans to continue, that explains what you would do next and why. (6) Look for adjacent projects that could benefit. (7) Find someone that can poke holes in your work, then go address them.

featured in #436

My First Superoptimizer tl;dr: Austin builds a superoptimizer, a tool that finds the optimal code for any given code snippet. “It generates every possible permutation of code instructions and tests each generated program for equivalence to the original program.”

featured in #419

The Future Of Programming: Research At CHI 2023 tl;dr: “The esteemed CHI conference is happening this week, and I'm jealous that I can't be there. Instead, I'm going through the proceedings and reading all of the papers related to programming, of which many involve AI.”  

featured in #410

Challenging Algorithms And Data Structures Every Programmer Should Try tl;dr: "Not only have they come up during job interviews, but learning them changed how I think about problems." Austin's explains the following algorithms and data structures: (1) Topological sort. (2) Recursive descent parsing. (3) Myers string difference. (4) Bloom filter. (5) Piece table. (6) Splay tree.

featured in #376

Learning HTML Was Too Hard So I Made A Compiler Instead tl;dr: "I was struggling to learn how to design web pages with HTML in 5th grade so I set off to make my own language. Yep. But that meant I first had to learn how to code and then learn how to make a compiler. It took about 10 years! Fun ensues."

featured in #330

The Project With A Single 11,000-line Code File tl;dr: "Something I found hilarious is that a variable might be used on lines 200-210 and then again on line 8544. No where else."

featured in #305

"This Project Will Only Take 2 Hours" tl;dr: "Whenever I think something is extremely simple, I walk through it step by step to uncover the complexities, design decisions, use cases, and potential features that I missed." Austin gives an example, here.

featured in #268