tl;dr:“There’s typically a lot of agreement within the team around the best platform engineering books, but the ranking can be controversial! We’ve pooled together our collective top five recommendations for this blog post.”
tl;dr:“There’s typically a lot of agreement within the team around the best platform engineering books, but the ranking can be controversial! We’ve pooled together our collective top five recommendations for this blog post.”
tl;dr:“There’s typically a lot of agreement within the team around the best platform engineering books, but the ranking can be controversial! We’ve pooled together our collective top five recommendations for this blog post.”
tl;dr:(1) Hybrid working is here to stay but key questions remain e.g. how many days a week should we be in the office? (2) Companies that have been effective at developing loosely coupled systems - often with a microservices architecture - were better set up to work remotely and using a distributed approach. (3) Three interesting developments in the data engineering and AI/ML space in 2021, outlined here, and more.