tl;dr:“I said at the beginning of this post that the most important thing I deliver is alignment. It’s not the hardest thing I have to deliver though: that is focus.“ Emily also discusses what a VP’s day to day looks like, unlearning, compensation, giving yourself more slack time, and more.
tl;dr:The bill is designed to further support engineering managers at Honeycomb, with the following guidelines: (1) Create a culture of respect for both management and IC work, due to the increasing "disdain" managers are facing. (2) Provide a career path within management with multiple ways to advance. (3) Be straight with teams about what managers are there to do. (4) Cultivate the flow of feedback in both directions, between managers and IC. (5) Allow manager & IC compensation to move independently with the market.
tl;dr:The importance of over-communicating, standing for something, leveraging people's strengths, spreading positivity, trusting others to handle situations, and much more.