tl;dr:"All change has good and bad downstream effects. The broad-based adoption of remote work is allowing people to balance work and home life in ways that are extremely beneficial to them. But team morale and the broader cultural needs of companies have suffered and we need to recognize that... A hybrid model that provides continued flexibility while creating a lot more face time is the long-term answer."
tl;dr:Leaving a company "well" is something leaders and companies should promote. Companies need to facilitate this process by reacting well to the news, perhaps providing a financial incentive to stick around during a transition. Fred believes it's best to set this culture up at the beginning as precedent is powerful, and people feel more comfortable being open and honest.
tl;dr:Tips for leading remote teams during stressful times - more frequent short checkins with entire team, skip level 1-1s, leaning on the leadership team, more time off, celebrating more (birthdays, accomplishments), being yourself.
tl;dr:Two common "syndromes" faced by new leaders are “deer in the headlights” and “I’ve got this.” The first requires facing tough challenges. The second requires experiencing and learning from failure. "Leadership requires self awareness, courage, and deep empathy."