/Hillel Wayne

I Have Complicated Feelings About TDD tl;dr: "The difference is that I treat it as a useful technique, one of many, while the very strongest advocates consider it transformational... I practice “weak TDD”, which just means “writing tests before code, in short feedback cycles”. Hillel explains why he holds complicated feelings for TDD.

featured in #344

Excel Is Pretty Dang Cool tl;dr: "Also I don’t think most users, or even most “power users”, use many of these features. The same is true for devs, most of whom don’t really use the features of their editors. It’s good to explore these things!" 

featured in #343

Search Less, Browse More tl;dr: "My best explanation for this is that most people learn a tool through searching, not browsing. When you search, you’re trying to find information that solves your specific need. When you browse, you’re systematically going through information for learning or later lookup."

featured in #341

Crimes With Python's Pattern Matching tl;dr: "The pattern matching feature is, on the whole, pretty reasonably designed, and people will expect it to behave in reasonable ways. Whereas \_\_subclasshook\_\_ is extremely dark magic. This kind of chicanery might have a place in the dark beating heart of a complex library, certainly not for any code your coworkers will have to deal with." Hillel guides us though pattern matching and \_subclasshook\_\_. 

featured in #340

You Can Automate More Than You Think tl;dr: "I don’t need to burn any of my limited focus on something menial anymore. It matters even more when automating something I don’t know by heart, like my Zoom URL or my EIN. Then it takes focus to find it ;and then copy it over."

featured in #308

Regexes Are Cool And Good tl;dr: People hate regexes for 2 reasons: (1) They’re hard to read, so it's hard to tell what a regex does. (2) They’re fragile an a slight change to the input can break it and making them more robust is tough. Hillel argues that the best use cases for regexes is in "interactive use" - when you’re trying to substitute in a single file you have open, or grep a folder. "Readability doesn’t matter because you’re writing a one-off throwaway, and fragility is fine because you’re a human-in-the-loop."

featured in #290

Clever Vs Insightful Code tl;dr: Hillel draws a distinction between clever code, which "conventional wisdom says is bad," and insightful code which finds a way of exploiting a problem to make code "faster, simpler, and safer," and is often necessary to make things work. Hillel highlights these with examples.

featured in #233

A Brief Introduction To Esoteric Languages tl;dr: Includes (1) Brainfuck, the most famous Esoteric language with a compiler of 240 bytes, (2) Shakespeare, a language designed to look like a Shakespeare play, (3) Piet, a visual programming language in the truest sense: every Piet program is an executable picture.

featured in #230

There's Always More History tl;dr: Hillel provides explanations around two historical questions: (1) Why Vim Uses hjkl (2) Why JavaScript months start from 0.

featured in #218

Decision Table Patterns tl;dr: "This post will reintroduce the core ideas in a more formal way and then talk about some of the techniques you can apply to make better tables."

featured in #205