/Hunter Walk

Learn To Hire Well And You’ll Never Lose tl;dr: 3 tips: (1) Know what excellent looks like - if you don't know what an excellent marketer looks like, spend time with a few who excel in their domain. (2) Ask candidates who reject you to name names i.e. people in their network who could fill the role. (3) Sell past the close, in case the candidate gets a counter offer from their current employer, etc..

featured in #263

The Bad Habit That Even Productive People Keep Falling Into tl;dr: Know how to prioritize. Hunter gives 3 tactical tips: (1) Prioritize what requires your input for others to move forward. (2) Think "top down, not bottom up" and avoid low impact work. (3) Set deadlines in your to-do list.

featured in #240

Manager OKRs, Maker OKRs: How Early Stage Startups Should Think About Goal-Setting tl;dr: Many startups adopt Google's quarterly goal setting. This puts makers (engineers) on a managers schedule. A startup should (1) focus on what's being built in month ahead, (2) work towards a product vision a year from now and (3) maintain a "narrow grasp on what you actually want to measure quarterly."

featured in #220