/Jade Rubick

Managing A Bottleneck Team tl;dr: “One of the harder situations you might find yourself in is managing a bottleneck team. What is a bottleneck team? When other teams can’t get their work done unless you do something for them, you’re a bottleneck team.” Jade discusses his approach to managing such teams. 

featured in #522

The Best Approach I've Seen For Hiring New Engineers tl;dr: A successful example of new engineer hiring through the "Ignite" program. In this program, junior engineers are hired to work on real company problems in groups, join different teams for several weeks, and then are placed on a permanent team. The program is effective in training and integrating junior engineers into the company's processes, providing a positive experience for them. Thoughtful management and structured onboarding can lead to more effective junior engineers, and the lessons from this program can be applied to companies of various sizes, especially those hiring 20-30 engineers annually.

featured in #440