/James Stanier

Should Managers Still Code? tl;dr: “The short answer is that it depends exactly on what you mean by coding. I think that there is a big difference between being in the code and writing code. All managers should be in the code, but not all managers should be writing code.” James elaborates.

featured in #595

Gather, Decide, Execute tl;dr: “This article will be about more than just the software tool that I use, even though it is central to it. Instead, I'll focus on the way using this tool allows me to categorize the way that I work into tight loops of gathering, deciding, and executing. This is a mental model that I've found to be very effective in managing my day-to-day work, and enables me to keep the pace high for myself and my team.”

featured in #586

2024: The Year In Review tl;dr: “Not since the smartphone boom period in 2007 have I seen so much change happening so quickly. We've seen the culture and growth of our companies changing due to the macroeconomic climate, a proliferation of LLM-based tools and technologies, and, fundamentally, as leaders, we've had to change how we think about our roles and our output.”

featured in #578

Being In The Details tl;dr: “Tech companies are opting to keep their size fixed as they ride out the current economic phase that has higher interest rates and less cheap investment available. As a result, managers are now expected to have more direct reports, less layers, and to be more hands-on with their teams.” What exactly can you do in order to be in the details? And is it possible to do this without micromanaging? James shares techniques. 

featured in #571

Fast-Forwarding Decision Making tl;dr: “I’ll pitch the takeaway up front, and it’s this: hold yourself accountable for making decisions and progressing discussions as quickly as possible, by whatever means necessary. Be restless while a decision hasn’t been made. Dead time is your enemy. Be creative about ways of shaving minutes, hours and days from a decision point.” James gives several examples of how to approach this.

featured in #570

Solving Staffing Challenges With Concentric Circles tl;dr: “When you are faced with no obvious way to solve a staffing challenge, it can be helpful to think about the problem differently. One way to do this is to think about the situation in terms of concentric circles. What I mean by concentric circles is imagining that the team asking for more people is at the center of a series of circles.”

featured in #563

What Does A Date Actually Mean? tl;dr: “But this isn't an article about how bad we are at estimating, nor does it offer any solutions for you to getting better at estimating. In fact, I want to focus on why dates are pretty dangerous things to be throwing around in the first place, and what an alternative might look like that could save you a lot of pain.”

featured in #554

Heartbeats: Keeping Strategies Alive tl;dr: “The heartbeat is a communication that looks back at the strategy, recaps the key points, and then shows how it has been implemented in the time since the last heartbeat. It's a chance to show how the strategy is living and relevant, and that it's not just a document that was written once and then placed on the shelf.” James shares strategies for doing so. 

featured in #545

Scope? Hmm tl;dr: “I think that a healthier way to encapsulate speed, scope and quality is thoroughness. Thoroughness is about how much you're willing to explore the problem domain, how much you're willing to experiment versus build resilient systems, and how long what you're going to build is intended to last.” James discusses how to manage thoroughness as a new dimension. 

featured in #536

Deltas To The Global Maxima tl;dr: “The global maxima is the point at which we are at our most skilled, our most impactful, and the most satisfied. The global maxima may not even be a role, but a state of being where everything comes together: life, work, compensation, contribution, and happiness. Try restarting your career conversations with your direct reports by asking them what this global maxima is for them.” James shares some primer questions. 

featured in #527