featured in #423
featured in #422
Should You Optimize For All-Cash Compensation, If Possible?
- Gergely Orosz tl;dr: “Although still rare in the industry, companies like Netflix and Shopify let employees choose how much of their total compensation is stock. What are the approaches to take?”featured in #421
2 Regrets Of A 55 Years Old Retired Software Engineer
tl;dr: (1) Pressure: “The more pressure you take, the more pressure you will get.” (2) Not taking enough risks: “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… in a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”featured in #421
My Approach To Building Large Technical Projects
- Mitchell Hashimoto tl;dr: “I've learned that when I break down my large tasks in chunks that result in seeing tangible forward progress, I tend to finish my work and retain my excitement throughout the project. People are all motivated and driven in different ways, so this may not work for you, but as a broad generalization I've not found an engineer who doesn't get excited by a good demo. And the goal is to always give yourself a good demo.”featured in #420
featured in #420
Promoted From Dev To Team Lead: 8 Things They Didn’t Tell Me
tl;dr: (1) Many of your skills don’t translate. (2) Keep your instincts. Change your behavior. (3) Communicate “why” more than “what” and “how.” (4) Culture is a real thing. And you’re responsible for it. And more.featured in #420
featured in #419
featured in #419
featured in #418