

tl;dr: Quastor is a free newsletter for engineering leaders that sends deep dives on how big tech companies scale. Learn about the strategies and technologies companies use to scale up to serve billions of users.  Past articles include How WhatsApp scaled to 1 billion users with only 50 engineers and How DoorDash builds reliable Microservices. Join 50,000 developers who read Quaestor. It's Free!

featured in #499


tl;dr: Quastor is a free newsletter for engineering leaders that sends deep dives on how big tech companies scale. Learn about the strategies and technologies companies use to scale up to serve billions of users.  Past articles include How WhatsApp scaled to 1 billion users with only 50 engineers and How DoorDash builds reliable Microservices. Join 50,000 developers who read Quaestor. It's Free!

featured in #499