
Developer Experience Infrastructure (DXI)

- Kenneth Auchenberg tl;dr: Kenneth defines DX as "the holistic experience offered to developers throughout the lifecycle they interact with your product or service" and lists the "table stakes" experience for developers in 2022, such as having documentation and content, great attention to detail on error messages, API references, baseline API infrastructure, debugging tools, and more. He discussed the cost of poor DX and the transition from DX to DXI as an emerging trend.

featured in #348

Remote Development At Slack

- Sylvestor George tl;dr: In this article, “remote development environments” refer to AWS EC2 instances where engineers make code changes and can see a running Slack application with those changes.

featured in #335

Development Environments

- Dimitri Sabadie tl;dr: "I want to use this blog article to ask questions and not necessarily answer them, but discuss them: “how we should be developing in the modern era?” Dimitri starts with the following problems: (1) TUIs are not graphically rich enough. (2) CLI-based composition is a "nightmare of running the same command over and over." (3) A terminal is just static text and nothing changes unless you run a command.

featured in #330

What Makes a Great Developer Experience?

tl;dr: Recommendations include: (1) Onboard as fast as possible. (2) Make upgrading easy: "when making a major version change, limit the blast radius of changes to make it easy for folks to update dependencies." (3) Helpful error messages: "when applicable, include hyperlinks in error messages to provide more context on how to solve the error." And more. 

featured in #326

What Is Developer Experience? A Roundup Of Links And Goodness

- James Governor tl;dr: "DX is about developer feelings – it is a sociotechnical system which should consider every touchpoint a developer interacts with to plan and produce software, from learning a platform to the very first line of code all the way through its promotion into production."

featured in #297