featured in #161
The Perfect Language (And Why Go Still Isn't It)
tl;dr: While a user of Go, the author feels it's on dangerous grounds as it's "bolting on" features, something seen as a common anti-pattern in language evolution. There's also an analysis of what defines a "perfect" language.featured in #149
featured in #149
Rethinking Visual Programming With Go
- Martin Tournoij tl;dr: Blog version of a talk given at GopherCon Europe on why Visual Programming Languages have failed and an experiment visualizing Go code.featured in #144
Go Is Google's Language, Not Ours
- Chris Siebenmann tl;dr: Author debates that having a community contribute to GoLang is meaningless as it's owned by Google and, ultimately, the language is controlled by, and designed for, the company's needs.featured in #142
featured in #141
featured in #133