
Why I Quit Google’s WebAssembly Team, And How It Made Me Sick

- Katelyn Gadd tl;dr: "This is a partial story of what went wrong with the process and how it permanently damaged me. My hope is that this story will help people recognize toxic cultures in their own workplaces, or help new hires have a better career at Google."

featured in #316

Timnit Gebru’s Exit From Google Exposes a Crisis in AI

- Alex Hanna Meredith Whittaker tl;dr: Google's firing of Timnit Gebru shows that "corporate-funded research can never be divorced from the realities of power." AI will reinforce discrimination unless action is taken: (1) Tech workers need to unionize as a "key lever for change." (2) We need protection and funding for research. (3) Regulation.

featured in #220

Technical Writing Courses

tl;dr: "This collection of courses and learning resources aims to improve your technical documentation. Learn how to plan and author technical documents. You can also learn about the role of technical writers at Google."

featured in #177

The Unexpected Google Wide Domain Check Bypass

- David Schütz tl;dr: Sometimes it pays to go down the rabbit hole. A story of David trying to bypass a URL validation and finding a bug in Google's common JS library.

featured in #176

Announcing Mobile First Indexing For The Whole Web

- John Mueller tl;dr: Google will be switching to mobile-first indexing for all websites starting September 2020. 

featured in #176

Google Maps Hacks

tl;dr: A Berlin based artist created a traffic jam on Google Maps by placing 99 phones into a handcart and slowly tugging them on the road.

featured in #172

An Update On Bradfitz: Leaving Google

- Brad Fitzpatrick tl;dr: After 10 years working on Go, Brad is leaving Google. "I want to build something new again...I don't want to get stuck in a comfortable rut. (And Google certainly is comfortable, except for open floor plans.)"

featured in #171

How Do CPUs Read Machine Code? (Video)

- Ben Eater tl;dr: 50mins video on how a 6502 microprocessor, which started the home computer revolution in the 80s, reads the code we write.

featured in #160

What Our Quantum Computing Milestone Means

- Sundar Pichai tl;dr: First successful experiment where a quantum computer solves a problem a classical computer does in a significantly shorter period of time. As Moore's Law is predicted to hit a threshold, and AI presents increasingly challenging computations, this is significant.

featured in #158

Three Years Of Misery Inside Google, The Happiest Company in Tech

- Nitasha Tiku tl;dr: Deep-dive into the internal culture clash at Google starting with internal pressure on executives to protest the 2016 immigration ban while fearing political backlash.

featured in #150