featured in #484
Keep Your Secrets From Leaking
- Alexandre Gigleux tl;dr: Secrets in your source code, when leaked, expose you to a security vulnerability due to illicit access to your private data. Sonar can find secrets in source code in your IDE using SonarLint and also detect them in your CI/CD pipeline using SonarQube and SonarCloud.featured in #484
featured in #484
featured in #483
The Skill That Gets You Fired Or Promoted: Managing Up
- Leah Tharin tl;dr: I always thought about "Managing up” like a funnel. It’s a skill to manage a funnel where you start with promises, and at the end of that funnel, there is a really bad outcome. Leah discusses managing every step in the funnel to prevent this from happening: (1) The # of promises you commit to. (2) The # of important promises. (3) The # of promises with a deadline. (4) Realistic time management, buffer. (5) Not letting important become urgent. (6) Regular, open communication. (8) Honest crisis management.featured in #483
Keep Your Secrets From Leaking With Sonar
- Alexandre Gigleux tl;dr: Secrets in your source code, when leaked, expose you to a security vulnerability due to illicit access to your private data. Sonar can find secrets in source code in your IDE using SonarLint and also detect them in your CI/CD pipeline using SonarQube and SonarCloud.featured in #483
Those Five Spare Hours Each Week
- Will Larson tl;dr: Will hypothesizes, if we had five free hours each week, how would he spend them? He sees four valid options to build his career, as follows: (1) Write code or engage in detailed work within the engineering org. (2) Build broader context: expand your context outside the engineering org. Understand your peers work, goals and obstacles e.g. talk with customers. (3) Improve current systems: Work on your strategy or planning process. (4) Build relationships: Expand your internal or industry networks.featured in #483
featured in #483
3 Questions That Will Make You A Phenomenal Rubber Duck
- Dan Slimmon tl;dr: Dan’s 3 favorite questions to ask when someone is stumped on a complex problem: (1) “How did you first start investigating this?” This helps us regain perspective as our focus shifts from one thing to another to another. (2) “What observations have you made?” This helps recall some of our observations. Since there are many - small and large, interesting and boring, relevant and irrelevant - we tend to not hold all of them in our head. (3) “If your hypothesis were wrong, how could we disprove it?” People get a single idea in their head about the cause of the problem, and this encourages them to shake that idea for others.featured in #482
The Research On What Makes A Great Manager Of Software Engineers
tl;dr: Engineers and managers rank the top attributes of engineering managers, and their relative importance. Researchers at Microsoft evaluated how engineers and managers relate and differ in their views, and how software engineering is different from other jobs in the perceptions about what makes great managers. The best managers (according to engineers) are those that create a positive environment, enable autonomy, and present growth opportunities. These factors are often more important than just being technical.featured in #482