Developing the Largest Contentful Paint Metric
- Annie Sullivan tl;dr: A new performance metric has been established by the Chrome team measuring when the main contents of a page is displayed. This runs through the framework used to build this metric and the objective.featured in #166
featured in #161
featured in #160
Techniques To Make A Web App Load Fast, Even On A Feature Phone
- Surma tl;dr: Always measure before optimizing performance. Effective optimization methods are (1) deliver as many assets over one connection (2) preload assets for the first render / interactivity (3) prerender app to improve perceived loading performance (4) aggressive code splitting to reduce the amount of code needed for interactivity.featured in #155
Fast Software, the Best Software
- Craig Mod tl;dr: When you experience software, apps that perform quickly build trust. When applications are bloated, take time to load or function a command, we tend to distrust them and we lose our "flow". Aim to build fast, light, software. The author cycles through many examples of what he likes and doesn't.featured in #149
featured in #148
Speed At Scale - What's New In Web Performance?
- Katie Hempenius Addy Osmani tl;dr: (1) Lighthouse supports Performance Budgeting (2) Native image and iframe lazy-loading comes to the web (3) Google Fonts now supports font-display as a query parameter.featured in #143
featured in #139
Improving Third-party Web Performance At The Telegraph
- Gareth Clubb tl;dr: Biggest challenge was organizational - meeting demands from various stakeholders. This was tackled by creating a cross-departmental working group. Articles outlines how deferring JS had significant impact on performance and tools used to monitor it. Click the link in this tweet if paywalled.featured in #139
Native Image Lazy-loading For The Web!
- Addy Osmani tl;dr: New loading attribute for images and iframes helps content load quicker, reduces network data usage and reduces memory usage. It should be shipped as part of Chrome 75.featured in #136