
Vim Best Practices For IDE Users

- Sebastian Carlos tl;dr: “If you don’t have time to read the Vim User Manual, I sifted through it for you with a focus on IDE users.” A deep dive into all aspects of VIM.

featured in #397

A Vim Guide For Experts

- Matthieu Cneude tl;dr: "This is the sixth part of this series to learn Vim from the ground up."

featured in #251

A Vim Guide For Intermediate Users

- Matthieu Cneude tl;dr: (1) Ways you can organize open files using buffers, windows, tabs, and the argument list. (2) Useful motions to jump quickly from one place to another in your entire codebase. (3) Mapping new keystrokes to old keystrokes or commands, and more.

featured in #219

There's Always More History

- Hillel Wayne tl;dr: Hillel provides explanations around two historical questions: (1) Why Vim Uses hjkl (2) Why JavaScript months start from 0.

featured in #218