Tuesday 26nd March’s issue is presented by DevZero |
Release At The Speed Of Code
Devzero gives developers access to the environments they need, when they need it so they can be more productive and deliver more code.
Developers code locally while getting complete production symmetry without wasting time right sizing, re-compiling, re-building or updating config files. Benefits include: |
How To Talk About Deadlines At Work — Wes Kao
tl;dr: For both managers and direct reports. For managers: (1) Encourage your team to be honest about timing, especially high performers. (2) Temporarily “over-correct” to convince your team it’s safe to push back, celebrate their behavior when they do so. When they feel comfortable, become tactical. For reports: (3) Speak up at the first sign that you might miss a deadline. (4) Wes shares scripts of what to say. (5) Suffering in silence is not useful.
Leadership Management |
The Basics — Thorsten Ball
tl;dr: “Here’s what I consider to be the basics. I call them that not because they’re easy, but because they’re fundamental. The foundation on which your advanced skills and expertise rest. Multipliers and nullifiers, makers and breakers of everything you do.” These include: (1) Keep your change free of unrelated changes. (2) Make sure that your PR is up-to-date against latest on your main branch. (3) Before you comment on something, read the whole thing.
CareerAdvice |
How Uber Tripled Developer Productivity And What You Can Learn From That (Video) — Debo Ray
tl;dr: In 2016, as Uber’s engineering team grew beyond the hundreds, things started to break. Velocity averaged 1PR / developer / sprint. Production wasn’t doing well either. Over the next 5 years they introduced many changes and tools like Cerberus, SubmitQueue and DevPod to triple productivity. Many companies today are Uber in 2016 so Debo and Mihai, early Uber engineers, decided to share their story.
Promoted by Devzero Management Productivity |
An Evolutionary Approach To Staffing Software Product Teams — Patrick Roos tl;dr: “A common pitfall that many companies face is the temptation to staff a product team quickly and from scratch with a large number of mostly external developers.” Phase (1): Lay the Foundations with a minimal team i.e. 1-3 entrepreneurial engineers and domain expert (2) Expand with precision: 1-2 engineers who match the culture and work ethic. (3) Scale through specialized feature teams.
Leadership Management Hiring |
Editor’s Note
Thank you for 500 issues! We appreciate everyone involved in Pointer, whether it’s reading, writing or sponsoring this newsletter.
We’re excited to keeping going and are looking for feedback... What are we doing well? Not so well? What do you want more of? What are you working on or thinking about?
Click reply and let us know! |
The One About The Web Developer Job Market — Baldur Bjarnason
tl;dr: (1) Finding a non-bullshit job is likely only going to get harder. (2) The overall developer job market will continue to fluctuate, but without dramatic change there isn’t much on the horizon that seems likely to turn the decline around. (3) Finding effective documentation, information, and training is likely to get harder, especially in specialised topics where LLMs are even less effective than normal.
Jobs Trends |
Managing Authorization Data In Microservices — Graham Neray tl;dr: Authorization in a microservices environment becomes more complex. You need to think about: (1) Storing the data — should your authorization data live with application data, or in a separate service? (2) Accessing the data — if the data is separated, how do you bring it together to make the authorization decision? (3) Modeling the data — if authorization data and application data can be the same, how do you find the right format (i.e., data model) that fits all use-cases? Read on to learn more.
Promoted by Oso BestPractices |
The “Current Branch" In Git — Julia Evans tl;dr: “I’ve been thinking more about what the term “current branch” means in git and it’s a little weirder than I thought.” Julia shares 4 possible definitions and scenarios for each.
Git |
How Web Bloat Impacts Users With Slow Devices — Dan Luu tl;dr: “Modern pages that burn a ton of CPU when loading could be doing pre-work that means that later interactions on the page are faster and cheaper than on the pages that do less up-front work, but that's not the case for pages tested, which are slower to load initially, slower on subsequent loads, and slower after they've loaded.”
Performance Accessibility |
Designing A Knowledge Graph Query Language tl;dr: “With a knowledge graph, you have a subject i.e. James which can have one or more predicates i.e. "likes" that connect them to an object i.e. "coffee”.” James tried to explore graphs online but many were proprietary. Thus, he set out to make his own graph query language and index.
GraphQL |
Most Popular From Last Issue |
Devika: OS alternative to Devin AI.
Dropflow: A CSS layout engine.
LLMS From Scratch: Implement a ChatGPT-like LLM step by step.
Monolith: Save web pages as a single HTML file.
Open Interpreter: A natural language interface for computers.
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