Friday 29th March’s issue is presented by Knock |
The Most Powerful Notification System You'll Never Build
Building notifications gets complicated fast. Knock abstracts away the complexity and gives you: |
Using Metrics To Measure Individual Developer Performance — Laura Tacho
tl;dr: Laura reframes this into another question that leaders need to ask to evaluate reports: “what data are you going to use to evaluate my performance?” Her high level advice, which the article dives into: (1) Determine how you want to measure performance first, then find metrics to measure what's important to your company. (2) Focus on outcomes over output, using output metrics mainly to debug missed outcomes. (3) Watch out for metrics encouraging the wrong behaviors. (4) Metrics alone aren't enough - you still need active performance management and feedback.
Leadership Management |
"Insecure Vibes" Are A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy — Wes Kao
tl;dr: "If you appear hesitant, doubtful, or desperate… The other person picks up on it. You get more nervous. They start doubting you." Before you hit send, ask yourself: (1) Could this be interpreted as sounding defensive? (2) Am I overcompensating or overexplaining? (3) How would I respond on my best day? (4) Would I say this if I felt secure?
CareerAdvice |
The Five Principles Of Modern Developer Tools — Sam Seely, Chris Bell
tl;dr: Engineering teams are increasingly outsourcing non-core, yet critical parts of their stack to third-party vendors. This post delves into the challenges and emerging solutions of using third-party services in your stack. It discusses five key principles of modern developer tools: code-based resource management, source control management, rich type definitions, CI/CD integration and managing tools as part of your deployment lifecycle.
Promoted by Knock Management DevTools |
Four Responses To Feedback — Ed Batista tl;dr: Ed discusses 4 responses to feedback: (1) Express appreciation for the positive. (2) Easy changes you're happy to make. (3) Hard changes you're willing to attempt. (4) Changes that will be too difficult or costly to undertake. “Recognize that every piece of negative feedback contains a request for change and that all change carries a cost.”
CareerAdvice |
"Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done."
— Peter Drucker
What’s In A Name? — Adam Raider
tl;dr: Tips for naming from Google: (1) Spend time considering names — it’s worth it, especially APIs. (2) Describe behavior. (3) Reveal intent with a contextually appropriate level of abstraction. (4) Prefer unique, precise names. (5) Balance clarity and conciseness—use abbreviations with care. (6) Avoid repetition and filler words. (7) Software changes —names should, too.
Naming |
Struggling with Snowflake Costs? Try our Cost Optimization Calculator tl;dr: Snowflake costs skyrocket for SaaS providers because the need to deliver real-time, interactive analytics is always on. If your Snowflake bill is spiraling, try our cost optimization calculator to discover your potential savings when using a Snowflake warehouse for ad-hoc queries. (No form required)
Promoted by Qrvey Data Analytics Cloud |
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: McDonald’s Reusable Workflows tl;dr: McDonald's engineering teams have created a fast, reliable CI process using reusable workflows and GitHub Actions. Key steps: (1) Grouped CI workflows by language and centralized in reusable workflows to reduce duplication and ensure standards (2) Created a "golden path" with required CI stages like code quality, security, packaging. (3) Allow devs flexibility to add custom stages without impacting others. (4) Use CI visibility tools to monitor workflow metrics like pipeline count, lead times, success/failure rates.
Architecture |
Claude And ChatGPT For Ad-Hoc Sidequests — Simon Willison tl;dr: The author demonstrates a quick ”sidequest" task where he converted the shapefile of a largest park in NY to a GeoJSON polygon in just 6 minutes. “One of the greatest misconceptions concerning LLMs is that they’re easy to use. They aren’t: getting great results requires a great deal of experience and hard-fought intuition, combined with deep domain knowledge of the problem you are applying them to.”
Productivity LLM AI |
On Tech Debt: My Rust Library Is Now A CDO — Armin Ronacher tl;dr: The author describes how they dealt with tech debt in their Rust library caused by a dependency. When the dependency was flagged as insecure by RUSTSEC, users demanded action. Alternatives were unappealing, so the author merged the dependency's code into their own library, effectively "collateralizing" the tech debt and upgrading it from "junk" to "AAA" status.
TechDebt Thoughtpiece |
Most Popular From Last Issue |
Continue: Code with any LLM.
Jan: OS alternative to ChatGPT that runs offline.
Lazygit: Terminal UI for git commands.
Retina: Distributed networking observability tool for Kubernetes.
Stirling-PDF: Perform various operations on PDF files.
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