Tuesday 25th June’s issue is presented by WorkOS |
The Case Against Morning Yoga, Daily Routines, And Endless Meetings — Andrew Chen
tl;dr: Daily routines are comfortable but add no new information, and contain no risk. Andrew shares his plan for 10x work. (1) Remove / delegate / automate the 1x work. If it doesn’t matter much if it’s done well or not, then just get it done. (2) For the 2-5x work, keep doing it — it is “work” after all. But perhaps figure out how to align it towards your plan for work and life? (3) For 10x work — we need to remind ourselves that our careers are defined by the highest moments of the biggest swings. Embrace more serendipity, talk to more interesting people, take more swings, and go deep on your craft. Andrew shares what this looks like.
CareerAdvice |
Useful And Overlooked Skills — Morgan Housel
tl;dr: (1) Calibrating how much you wanting something to be true affects how true you think it is. (2) Respectfully interacting with people you disagree with. (3) The ability to have a 10-minute conversation with anyone from any background. (4) Getting to the point. (5) Diplomatically saying “No.”. (6) Respecting luck as much as you respect risk.
Leadership Management |
What Is SCIM Provisioning And Why Is It Important In An Enterprise Roadmap?
tl;dr: Signups are great, but your product only grows when your customers actually use it. Adding Directory Sync (SCIM provisioning) to your app can help improve activation rates and land those larger enterprise deals. Like SSO and SAML, implementing Directory Sync is full of archaic standards, versioning nightmares, and manual integrations; it can be a lot to handle. This Developer's Guide will walk you through what Directory Sync is, why it’s important, protocols like SCIM, and how to build it into your product.
Promoted by WorkOS Management UsefulTool |
The Programmer's Brain — Felienne Hermans tl;dr: “Your brain responds in a predictable way when it encounters new or difficult tasks. This unique book teaches you concrete techniques rooted in cognitive science that will improve the way you learn and think about code.”
CareerAdvice |
"Stability is an important feature for a language used for systems that have to work for decades"
— Bjarne Stroustrup
Formal Methods: Just Good Engineering Practice? — Marc Brooker
tl;dr: “Earlier this week, I did the keynote at TLA+ conf 2024. My message in the keynote was something I have believed to be true for a long time: formal methods are an important part of good software engineering practice. If you’re a software engineer, especially one working on large-scale systems, distributed systems, or critical low-level system, and are not using formal methods as part of your approach, you’re probably wasting time and money.”
BestPractices |
How Notion Built A Culture Of Experimentation tl;dr: Notion wanted to empower their devs to ship code fast, but also wanted to maintain high quality standards. Data-driven releases were part of the solution, but they struggled with in-house A/B testing tooling, eventually deciding to buy a third-party platform - which 30x’d the number of tests they run.
Promoted by Statsig Culture |
Leveraging AI For Efficient Incident Response tl;dr: From the team at Meta, “We’re leveraging AI to advance our investigation tools even further. We’ve streamlined our investigations through a combination of heuristic-based retrieval and large language model (LLM)-based ranking to provide AI-assisted root cause analysis. During backtesting, this system has achieved promising results: 42% accuracy in identifying root causes for investigations at their creation time related to our web monorepo.”
Incidents AI |
Catching Compromised Cookies tl;dr: “Slack workspaces contain sensitive data and can be an attractive target for attackers. Consider the situation where a threat actor phishes a user and manages to install malware on their device. The malware could then steal cookies, which are stored in the device’s browser, and replay those cookies to impersonate the user. To take a real world example, imagine you left your house key under the mat and someone managed to discover it, clone it, and put it back so you had no idea. One way to reduce the risk of a copied key is to change your locks regularly. If you do that, a thief would have only a limited window of time to use the key they copied.”
Security Cookies |
Ownership — Saoirse Shipwreckt tl;dr: “This post is meant as an explainer about how substructural type theory can be applied in programming language design. Terms like “substructural type theory” tend to scare and confuse programmers who don’t write Haskell on the weekends, so one thing programming language designers should do when thinking about how they will present their language is invent metaphors, even slightly misleading ones, to help more ordinary programmers understand how their language works. One such term is “ownership.””
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