Issue #527

June 28, 2024

Issue #527

Friday 28th June’s issue is presented by Swarmia

Improve Developer Experience with a Combination of Surveys and System Metrics

Software development metrics are great at pointing you to a problem. But on their own, they rarely help you understand why the problem exists or how to fix it.

That’s why Swarmia combines developer experience surveys with rich insights and visualizations from your issue tracker and codebases. 

The OARB Framework: Why You Should Appeal To Self-Interest When Giving Feedback

— Wes Kao

tl;dr: I’ll share an advanced technique for getting your feedback recipient to perk up and take action. (1) The OARB framework (Observation, Assertion, Repercussion, Benefit). (2) Make feedback feel visceral by using good logic. (3) Adopt a neutral posture & comment on the behavior, not the person.

Leadership Management

Deltas To The Global Maxima

— James Stanier

tl;dr: “The global maxima is the point at which we are at our most skilled, our most impactful, and the most satisfied. The global maxima may not even be a role, but a state of being where everything comes together: life, work, compensation, contribution, and happiness. Try restarting your career conversations with your direct reports by asking them what this global maxima is for them.” James shares some primer questions. 

Leadership Management

32 Questions To Ask In Your Developer Experience Surveys

— Miikka Holkeri

tl;dr: The most challenging thing about running developer experience surveys is knowing what questions to ask. That’s why Swarmia teamed up with psychometrics experts to develop a 32-question survey framework that covers all aspects of software development, from architecture to cross-team collaboration. You can copy the questions here to run your own survey.

Promoted by Swarmia

Management DevEx

15 Life And Work Principles from Jensen Huang

— Peter Yang

tl;dr: (1) “My goal is to create the conditions where amazing people come to do their life’s work.” (2) “I have 60 direct reports, and I don’t do 1 on 1s.” Almost everything that I say, I say to everybody at the same time. (3) “I give feedback right in front of everyone.” (4) “I spent alot of time reasoning with decisions.” (5) “We don't do just vice president meetings or director or board meetings. At the meetings I have, there are new college grads there. There are people from every different organization. We are just all sitting in there.”

Leadership Management

“If you cannot explain a program to yourself, the chance of the computer getting it right is pretty small.”

— Bob Frankston

Tied Up In Docs

— Luke Abel

tl;dr: “We want to document decisions, and we know when, but what do we actually write? Here, too, I like to keep it lightweight. A decision record should contain, at a minimum: (1) Some context or problem. (2) A decision made in response to it. Assume your audience is proficient, but lacking context – that’s why they’re reading!”


Personalized Marketing at Scale: Uber’s Out-of-App Recommendation System

tl;dr: "Out-of-app (OOA) communication (such as email, push, and SMS) is an important growth lever at Uber. It allows marketers, product owners, and operation teams to connect with users on a plethora of topics, including user promotions, new and favorite restaurants, etc. Building a system to personalize these communications presents unique and exciting challenges. In this blog post, we walk through these challenges and our journey in tackling them."

Uber Scale

Getting 100% Code Coverage Doesn't Eliminate Bugs

— Kostis Kapelonis

tl;dr: “There are many articles already on the net explaining why this is a fallacy, but I recently discovered that sharing an actual code example goes a long way towards proving why 100% code coverage doesn’t mean zero bugs. These people have their “aha” moment when they look at real code, instead of recycling theoretical arguments over and over.”


I Finally Figured Out How To Take Notes!
— Sam Rose

tl;dr: “I had some requirements in mind: (1) I want to tag notes, track things like date, who was there, what the key topics were, and be able to search based on tags. (2) Create action items, and be able to ask “what action items have I not yet done?” (3) It has to be super easy. I want to be able to jump into a meeting and have my meeting notes ready to go.”

CareerAdvice Tips

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The Programmer's BrainFelienne Hermans

Notable Links

Dblab: Interactive client for PostgreSQL, MySQL & SQLite3.

DeskPad: Virtual monitor for screen sharing.

Dotenv: A better dotenv – from the creator of dotenv.

Katana: Next-gen crawling and spidering framework.

OpenStatus: OS performance monitoring platform.

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