Issue #528

Issue #528

Tuesday 2nd July’s issue is presented by QA Wolf

👋 Goodbye Low Test Coverage And Slow QA Cycles

Are slow test cycles bottlenecking your dev teams' release velocity? With QA Wolf, your organization can run entire test suites in minutes.

QA Wolf gets you 80% automated test coverage in weeks. They create and maintain your entire test, and provide unlimited parallel test runs on their infrastructure (zero flakes, guaranteed).

See how they have helped AutoTrader’s team of 80+ engineers reduce QA cycles from days to 15 minutes, saving $600k+/year on QA engineering.

Physics And Perception

— Will Larson

tl;dr: In 2019, parts of Stripe’s engineering org were going through a civil war, driven by one group’s belief that Java should replace Ruby to deliver a quality platform. The other group believed Stripe’s problems were driven by a product domain with high essential complexity. Switching languages wouldn’t address any of those issues. Will discusses his approach to solving this conflict: “what I have found useful is studying what each faction knows that the other doesn’t, and trying to understand those gaps deeply enough to find a solution. Sometimes I summarize this as solving for both physics and perception.”

Leadership Management

The Gifts Of 40

— Julie Zhuo

tl;dr: Life lessons learned: (1) For whatever action scares you, remember this surefire way to eliminate the fear: do it 100 times. (2) Taking advantage of youthful invulnerability is like taking out a loan. Over decades, your body eventually comes to call the debt. (3) The dimension of time explains why you are not your thoughts, your emotions, or your capabilities. None of these persist against the ticking of the clock.


Autotrader Saved $620K/YR Trading In Manual Testing For Automation

tl;dr: Automated testing with cruise control allowed: (1) Offset the need to hire six QA engineers, saving $600K+/year. (2) Returned more than 1,000 hours per year to the customer support team, saving $20,000/year. (3) Increased release velocity 15–20%. (4) Reduced QA cycles from 3+ days to 15 minutes.

Promoted by QA Wolf


Malte Handbook

— Malte Ubl

tl;dr: The CTO at Vercel wrote an instruction manual for himself, covering values, principles, beliefs, engineering style, general style, stuff I do & personal.

Leadership Management

"The only thing that grows faster than computer performance is human expectation"

— Bjarne Stroustrup

Serving A Billion Web Requests With Boring Code

— Bill Mill

tl;dr: “I worked on this system for about two and a half years, from the very first commit through two open enrollment periods. The API system served about 5 million requests on a normal weekday, with < 10 millisecond average request latency and a 95th percentile latency of less than 100 milliseconds.”


Top Xamarin Alternatives For Cross-Platform For Mobile Development

— Zheng Li

tl;dr: Are you on the hunt for a Xamarin alternative? Check out Raygun's latest blog for a rundown of the top options, including .NET MAUI, Uno Platform, Avalonia, Flutter, and more. Find out which tools can best support your mobile development goals. 


Proactive Measures Against Password Breaches And Cookie Hijacking

— Nathan Lehotsky, Ryan Persaud

tl;dr: “Slack’s strategy has always been to anticipate and mitigate threats before they can impact our users. We have been continuously scanning the internet using regular expressions tailored to the specifics of our tokens and webhooks to find any that are publicly accessible. Oftentimes these secrets get inadvertently exposed when they get hard-coded into development code and then published somewhere like GitHub. Since these secrets provide varying levels of access to a user’s workspace, our tooling automatically and immediately invalidates tokens and webhooks upon discovery and notifies their respective owners.”


Developer Workflow Tips No One Tells You About
— Justin Joyce

tl;dr: “These are the tools, tips and advice I wish I had internalized when I was just starting out. Many of the details below are specific to macOS, but similar tips and tricks apply on other systems. I've broken it down very roughly into the following categories: (1) Computer setup. (2) Command-line-related things. (3) Technical but non-CS advice. (4) Potpourri.


A Git Story: Not So Fun This Time
— Justin Joyce

tl;dr: The origin story of Git covering Linus Torvalds' frustration with existing tools, his creation of Git in 2005, early contributors, and the rise of GitHub. The story highlights how Git emerged from a weekend project to become an essential tool.


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Notable Links

Docmost: OS collaborative documentation and wiki software.

ImHex: Hex editor for reverse engineers.

GS Quant: Python toolkit for quantitative finance.

Maestro: Framework for LLMs to orchestrate subagents.

Yazi: Fast terminal file manager.

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